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Dashboard Interactivity

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The Dashboard Designer lets you build interactive Dashboards with Master Filtering and Drill-Downs.

Master Filtering

The Dashboard allows you to use any data-aware dashboard item as a filter for the entire Dashboard (Master Filter).

End-users can select individual elements in a Master Filter to filter data in the rest of the dashboard by a selected – clicked – value.

Enable Master Filtering

  • To make a Dashboard item act as a Master Filter, click the Single Master Filter or the Multiple Master Filter button on the Interactivitymenu.

Note! Multiple Master Filtering allows you to select multiple elements and Single Master Filtering allows you to select only one element in the Master Filter item.

  • To disable Master Filtering, use the Clear Filter button in the Dashboard item header.

Filtering Across Data Sources

See also: Dashboard Add Additional Data Sources

When different items in a dashboard are bound to different additional data-sources, you can specify that a particular Master Filter should be applied across data sources.

Note! The filter will be applied to fields with matching names in all data additional sources.

Note! Fields are matched by their full names. For fields in other data sources to be affected by Master Filtering, their names must match the name of the field in the current data source, and they must belong to the same hierarchy level so that their full names also match.

  • To enable filtering across data sources, click the Cross-Data-Source Filtering button on the Data – Interactivity Settings menu.

Preventing Items from Being Filtered

  • If you want to prevent a specific Dashboard item from being filtered, select it and click Ignore Master Filter on the Data  –   Interactivity Settings menu.


The drill-down feature allows end-users to change the detail level of data displayed in an item. You drill down and view more detail data, or drill up to view more general data.

  • To enable drill-down, select the dashboard items and click on the Drill-Down button on the Data – Master Data menu.

Note! If the selected Dashboard item contains several types of elements that can be used for drill-down, the menu will provide the appropriate buttons instead of the Master Filter button (e.g., Drill Down on Arguments and Drill Down on Series buttons for the Chart).

  • To return to the previous detail level (drill up), use the Drill Up button within the dashboard item’s caption or in the context menu.

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