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Refresh Your Data

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When you inserted a DBxtra Query Object into an Excel sheet as Live Data or Live Pivot Table then the Excel sheet is “live – real time” connected to your data source.

  • In order to retrieve the most current data set you need to click the Refresh button.

If your Excel workbook includes more than one Live connected data sheet then you can click the Refresh All button in order to retrieve the most recent data for all your sheets of your current Excel workbook.

You have four options to refresh your real-time data:

1.) Refresh

This will refresh all real-time data of the current Excel sheet.

It will not ask you for a new parameter, if one was assigned in the query. And it will not refresh the field list in the Excel sheet or pivot table.

2.) Refresh All

Refresh all Excel sheets in the current workbook.

This will refresh all real-time data of all Excel sheets in the current Excel workbook.

Note! It will not ask you for a new parameter, if one was assigned in the query.
And it will not refresh the field list in the Excel sheet or pivot table.

3.) Refresh Parameters

This will refresh the real-time data of the selected Report Object in Excel asking you for a new parameter.

Note! It will not refresh with the most recent field definition of the underlying query.

4.) Refresh Fields

This will refresh the real-time data of the selected Report Object in Excel asking you for a new parameter, if one is defined in the query.

And it will refresh with the most recent field definition of the underlying query.


Refresh Options Diagram

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