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Connect to SQL Server

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  • Click New on the Connection menu.

  • Select SQL Server .

Connection name: Assign a name.

Server name: Assign the Server name. This can either be a Server name or an IP address.

Note: The MS SQL Server default port is 1433; if your database Server uses another port than specify like that: IP, port (e.g.,1434)

Authentication: define if the Server is setup for Windows or MS SQL Server authentication.

User: enter the user id.

Password : enter the database password.

Initial catalog: enter the database name you want to connect to.

Connection timeout: define the time out setting in seconds.

SQL dialect: define which SQL Server SQL dialect to use. That should be consistent with the MS SQL Server version of your database.

Enable Offline modeData Connection Offline mode.

Select User Groups who can view the Connection: assign user groups with privileges to open objects from this connection.

  • Click Ok to establish the connection.
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