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Connect to MySQL

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Click “New” on the Connectionmenu.

Select “MySQL”.

Connection name: assign a name.

Server name: assign IP address or Server name.

User: enter the user id.

Password: enter the database password.

Port: assign a port number – default port for MySQL database Server is “3306”.

Database: enter the database name you want to connect to.

Connection timeout: define the time out setting in seconds.

SQL dialect: define which MySQL Server SQL dialect to use. That should be consistent with the MySQL Server version of your database.

Enable Offline mode: Learn more here.

Select User Groups who can view the Connection: assign user groups with privileges to open objects from this connection.

Click “Ok” to establish the connection.

Important! In order to fully exploit all MS Excel© export functionality it is recommended that you install the MySQL Connector-ODBC 3.51 driver.

Please download and install from here.

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