DBxtra Documentation

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Data Connections

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DBxtra connects to all popular databases like MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Informix, DB2, DBase, Firebird, FoxPro, Excel; text files and almost any other database through ODBC and OLEDB.

Create a New Data Connection

  • Select the type of database you want to connect to.
  • If the database type is not listed select OLEDB or ODBC .

Edit a Data Connection

  • To edit a Data Connection select the Data Connection and right-click it and select the Edit Connection button.

Data Connection Properties

  • To edit Connection Properties right-click the Data Connection and select Properties .


  • Connection name : You can rename the Data Connection.
  • Connection Data : Show information about your Data Connection.


  • Assign User Group privileges by selecting user groups with privileges to view objects of the selected Data Connection.


  • Shows a list of all object dependencies of the selected Data Connection.

Refresh Data Connection

Sometimes you will need to refresh a Data connection; for example if new data base objects like tables and views were created or edited in the database.

  • To refresh a Data Connection right-click the Data Connection and select Refresh Connection .

This procedure will retrieve the most current database schema.

Delete Data Connection

  • To delete a Data connection right click the Data Connection and click Delete Connection .

Important! If you delete a Data Connection all dependent objects will also be deleted and placed into the Recycle Bin.

Data Connection Offline mode

Offline mode enabled

DBxtra will load Query definitions after the Data Connection is established or when you click the Refresh Connection option.

Advantage : Takes less time loading the object tree view.

Disadvantage : This will take longer loading the object tree for the first time or by refreshing the connection.

You also need to use the refresh option in order to view changes in your database.

Offline mode disabled

DBxtra will load definitions every time you load a Report Object.

Advantage : You always have access to the database object structure and don’t need to refresh the connection to view database object changes.

Disadvantage : Might take longer when loading the Query.

Next Connect to SQL Server
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