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Hierarchical Report

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DBxtra version 12+

You can create a hierarchical report from a single data source, for that, the data source must have an id field as well as a field that represents the parent relationship.

In the report, you must specify which fields you’ll use for this purpose, for that, once you make a design, select the Detail Band and in the Property Grid go to Behavior->Hierarchy Print Options and under Key Field Name select the Id field, then under Parent Field Name select the field that represents the parent relationship.

The Indent option let you specify how much separation the child record will have from the left margin, so you need to set it to a value that makes sense for you report

Using the indent option moves all the content to the right, so some elements of the report may not fit in the page width, if this is the case, you need to anchor the controls to the right, left or both sides of the page, for that, select the controls in the Detail Band and then in the Property Grid go to Behavior and in the Anchor Horizontally property select Left, Right or Both depending on how you want the controls to behave when the indentation is shown.

Note: Left and Right anchor the controls to their respective margins, considering indentation, so if you have controls anchored to both sides in the same line, overlap between said controls may occur. Using Both resizes the control to fit within the margins considering indentation, so some content might be lost if it exceeds the width of the page.




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