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Report Object – Data Loading

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When you run a Report Object in the DBxtra Designer, DBxtra displays in the “Loading Data” window information about the current status of the data loading operation. When the status is “Running query”, it means that DBxtra has sent the query to the database and is waiting for the database to respond with the actual data.

When the status is “Retrieving data”, DBxtra is fetching the data from your database and it shows how many rows have been loaded already.

You can always stop the loading operation by clicking on the Stop button, if you do so, in the “Retrieving data” phase you will be able to use the partially loaded data to design your different Report Object types.

Also, when you have data already loaded, you can switch between any of the Report Object types (Data Grid, Pivot Grid, Report and Dashboard) and use this same data to design these elements more quickly.

If you stopped the data loading operation and want to see the whole data, or want to refresh the data used, you can click on the Refresh button and the data will be loaded again.

Finally, when the data loading is finished, you can see information about how many rows where loaded, how long it took the query to run (Executed Time) and how long it took to retrieve the results of the query (Data Retrieval Time).

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